Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Help! I'm being strangled by squash, bombarded by beans, encumbered by cucumbers and corraled by corn!!! The garden is very busy producing and so we are very busy taking care of everything. Oh course it is wonderful to have everything in the winter but right now it kind of gets overwhelming at times. Grandpa is trying to find people to give the excess to at the post office every day but there is still too much for us to take care of. I do have relish done and pickles starting and there will be dilly beans to do tomorrow and all the vegetable freezing is done except the corn so our shelves look pretty good.

Had a wonderful birthday yesterday. Dad got me a beautiful bouquet of roses and day lilies to enjoy every time I walk through the dining room. I really enjoyed the surprise call from Stephanie in the morning. It was a lazy but a good day.


  1. I wish I was closer. I would love to take some produce off your hands. It is becoming a lost art, so be proud of yourself!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! I really was thinking of you yesterday, but I didn't get my act together enough to pick up the phone. Hope you had a wonderful b-day!

    If you need a new recipe to bottle some of that produce, I could get you a delicious tomato-free corn salsa that uses oodles of corn and peppers. It has pickling spice and coriander seeds, too. Warning though, it's totally addicting.

  3. Good luck with all that produce! I wish I were there to help you with it all (partially because I would love to learn more about it). I hope you had a fabulous birthday!!!

  4. I am so jealous of your produce, and skills of preserving it. Best of luck with it all. It is a lot of hard work. Glad you have beautiful flowers to look at and remind you of your birthday. Good job Grandpa!
